Creating Stripe Products

We will create 3 products with different pricing, billing periods and trial days.



  1. Set

    1. Name: Standard

    2. Pricing model: Standard pricing

    3. Price: $9

    4. Billing period: Monthly

    5. Trial: 14 days

    6. Add another price for the Yearly tier

  2. Repeat step 2 for Enterprise but without trial days

  3. Now for Ultimate, set One time instead of Recurring

It should look something like this:

Go to ClientApp/src/store/modules/pricing/default-pricing.Development.ts and change the price id's.

import Product from "@/app/models/pricing/Product";
import Feature from "@/app/models/pricing/Feature";
import { BillingPeriod, PriceType } from "@/app/models/pricing/Price";

const defaultCurrency: string = "usd";
export const defaultProductsDevelopment: Product[] = [
  new Product(
    "Standard 🔥",
    "border-orange-300 bg-orange-100 inline-flex px-4 py-1 rounded-full text-sm leading-5 font-semibold tracking-wide uppercase border text-indigo-600",
        id: "price_1HJ5kjDoGxBcf8G2BRSGmVVo",
        type: PriceType.Recurring,
        billingPeriod: BillingPeriod.Monthly,
        price: 9,
        currency: defaultCurrency,
        trialDays: 14,
        product: undefined,
        id: "price_1HJ5kjDoGxBcf8G2SUXpDxnS",
        type: PriceType.Recurring,
        billingPeriod: BillingPeriod.Yearly,
        price: 90,
        currency: defaultCurrency,
        trialDays: 30,
        product: undefined,
      new Feature("Feature 1", true),
      new Feature("Feature 2", true),
      new Feature("Feature 3", true),
      new Feature("Feature 4", false),
      new Feature("Feature 5", false),
  new Product(
    "Enterprise 🚀",
    "border-green-300 bg-green-100 inline-flex px-4 py-1 rounded-full text-sm leading-5 font-semibold tracking-wide uppercase border text-indigo-600",
        id: "price_1HJ5l9DoGxBcf8G2RQwzXg0q",
        type: PriceType.Recurring,
        billingPeriod: BillingPeriod.Monthly,
        price: 29,
        currency: defaultCurrency,
        trialDays: 0,
        product: undefined,
        id: "price_1HJ5l9DoGxBcf8G2YzDYNvyP",
        type: PriceType.Recurring,
        billingPeriod: BillingPeriod.Yearly,
        price: 290,
        currency: defaultCurrency,
        trialDays: 0,
        product: undefined,
      new Feature("Feature 1", true),
      new Feature("Feature 2", true),
      new Feature("Feature 3", true),
      new Feature("Feature 4", true),
      new Feature("Feature 5", false),
  new Product(
    "Unlimited 🦄",
    "border-indigo-300 bg-indigo-100 inline-flex px-4 py-1 rounded-full text-sm leading-5 font-semibold tracking-wide uppercase border text-indigo-600",
        id: "price_1HJ5lWDoGxBcf8G2HUGddqQz",
        type: PriceType.OneTime,
        billingPeriod: BillingPeriod.Once,
        price: 399,
        currency: defaultCurrency,
        trialDays: 0,
        product: undefined,
      new Feature("Feature 1", true),
      new Feature("Feature 2", true),
      new Feature("Feature 3", true),
      new Feature("Feature 4", true),
      new Feature("Feature 5", true),

Your pricing page should be:

Don't forget to update ClientApp/src/store/modules/pricing/default-pricing.ts and set your LIVE stripe API Keys.

Last updated